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IOS SDK Migration


To upgrade to Core AmaniSDK v3, you need to use it with the AmaniUI package.

Amani SDK Initialization

import UIKit
import Amani

class ViewController: UIViewController {

override func viewDidLoad() {

// Customer login information
let customerModel = CustomerRequestModel(name: "CUSTOMER_NAME", email: "CUSTOMER_EMAIL", phone: "CUSTOMER_PHONE_NUMBER", idCardNumber: "CUSTOMER_ID_CARD")
// Initialize SDK
let amaniSDK = AmaniSDK.sharedInstance
// Configure SDK
amaniSDK.setDelegate(delegate: self)
amaniSDK.set(server: "SERVER_URL", token: "TOKEN", customer: customer)
if dont want to use location permissions please provide with useGeoLocation parameter
amaniSDK.set(server: "SERVER_URL", token: "TOKEN", customer: customer,useGeoLocation: false)

select showing language with language parameter
amaniSDK.set(server: "SERVER_URL", token: "TOKEN", customer: customer,language: "tr")

amaniSDK.set(server: "SERVER_URL", token: "TOKEN", customer: customer,useGeoLocation: false,language: "tr")
// Start SDK
DispatchQueue.main.async {
amaniSDK.showSDK(overParent: self)

Amani Delegate

extension ViewController:AmaniSDKDelegate{
func onConnectionError(error: String?) {
//do whatever when connection error
func onNoInternetConnection() {
//do whatever when no internet connection
func onEvent(name: String, Parameters: [String]?, type: String) {
//type // Type returns list of EventType
//name // Amani Event Name. If there is more than one document,
returns the type of that document group else returns the type of the document
(the document type returns to you according to Amani standards).

//parameter // Parameter returns Response, Error of upload.
If there is available it shows which step (like "0" front, "1" back)
(log: "XXX_SG_0", ["Continuebtn","0"], "buttonpressed" )
print("log : \(name), \(Parameters), \(type)")
func onKYCSuccess(CustomerId: Int) {
//do whatever when customer approved

func onKYCFailed(CustomerId: Int, Rules: [[String : String]]?) {
// Returns uncompleted fields

func onTokenExpired() {
// returns when token expired. Token needs to be refreshed and restart instance

You can get more detailed information about the messages coming from AmaniUI Delegate functions from this link. Profile Status