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Retrieving a profile token

To retrieve a profile token, you must first create a profile if it does not already exist.

1. Creating a profile

curl '<base_url>/api/v2/profile' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <user_token>' \
--data '{
"id_card_number": int (required),
"email": "email (Optional)",
"phone": "phone (Optional)",
"birthdate": "YYYY-MM-DD",
"name": "first_name last_name",
"level": int (Optional),
"occupation": "string",
"gender": "M/F",
"address": {
"city": "string",
"province": "string",
"address": "string"

Response data includes all profile informations including a profile token and refresh token.

⚠️ Profile token has a short life span and is valid only for this profile. Use this token to initialize the SDKs.

"id": "profile uuid",
"id_card_number": "id_card_number",
"refresh": "refresh token for profile token",
"access": "profile access token",
"created_at": "created date in timestamp format",
"updated_at": "last updated date in timestamp format",
"last_status_update": "last status update date in timestamp format",
"name": "string",
"phone": "phone number: string",
"email": "email ",
"address": null,
"gender": null,
"nationality": null,
"occupation": null,
"verified_level": int,
"rules": [
list of steps applied for this profile
"has_nfc": true/false,
"risk": 0-4,
"aml_status": true/false/null,
"aml_last_check": "aml last check date in timestamp format",
"birthdate": "birthdate",
"status": "Created/Incomplete/Pending Review/Approved/...",
"video_call_status": "Incomplete/Waiting/Missed/Talking/Complete/...",
"reject_reason": <reason of rejection: string>,
"extra": {
"nvi_data_formatted": null,
"nvi_data_raw": null,
"stream": false
"company_name": "company name",
"device_logs": {},
"is_vip": true/false,
"email_verified": true/false,
"phone_verified": true/false

2. Retrieving a profile token from an already existing profile

curl '<base_url>/api/v2/profile/<profile_uuid>' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <user_token>'

Response data includes same details from the previous request's response.

"id": "profile uuid",
"id_card_number": "id_card_number",
"refresh": "refresh token for profile token",
"access": "profile access token",
"created_at": "created date in timestamp format",
"updated_at": "last updated date in timestamp format",
"last_status_update": "last status update date in timestamp format",
"name": "string",
"phone": "phone number: string",
"email": "email ",
"address": null,
"gender": null,
"nationality": null,
"occupation": null,
"verified_level": int,
"rules": [
list of steps applied for this profile
"has_nfc": true/false,
"risk": 0-4,
"aml_status": true/false/null,
"aml_last_check": "aml last check date in timestamp format",
"birthdate": "birthdate",
"status": "Created/Incomplete/Pending Review/Approved/...",
"video_call_status": "Incomplete/Waiting/Missed/Talking/Complete/...",
"reject_reason": <reason of rejection: string>,
"extra": {
"nvi_data_formatted": null,
"nvi_data_raw": null,
"stream": false
"company_name": "company name",
"device_logs": {},
"is_vip": true/false,
"email_verified": true/false,
"phone_verified": true/false