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Initializing and using the SDK

Getting token

After completing the installation phase, you must initialize the SDK with a profile token from the server and other necessary information.

You can import the SDK to your file as shown below.

Use the AmaniVideoBuilder class

You can use the AmaniVideoBuilder class to setup the sdk.

// on your view controller. preferably viewDidLoad method.
amaniVideo = try AmaniVideoBuilder()
.setServerURL(url: URL(string: "https://videocall.example")!)
.setName(name: "John", surname: "Doe")
.setToken(token: "profile token")
.setRemoteViewMode(viewMode: .portrait)
stunServerURL: "stun:example.stun.server:3478",
turnServerURL: "turn:example.turn.server:3478",
turnUsername: "turn_user", turnPassword: "turn_password")
.setButtonColors(colors: [
.endCallButtonBackground: .white,
.endCallButton: .black
.setButtonIcons(icons: [
.endCall: UIImage(systemName: "phone.down")!,
.setBackgroundViewColor(color: .darkGray)
.setDelegate(delegate: self)

Let's break it down a litte because some of them are required functions to call.

Required methods on the AmaniBuilder

Set the server url (required)

Call the setServerURL with a valid URL object. The url string is supplied by Amani to customers.

  guard let url = URL(string: "https://videocall.server.example") else {
print("wrong or malformed url string")
// Returns the AmaniVideoBuilder instance
let amaniVideoBuilder = AmaniVideoBuilder().setServerURL(url: url)
// rest is continued in other blocks

Set the name and surname of the customer (required)

Setting the name and surname of the is required because it's gonna be the name of the user shows up on the studio.

amaniVideoBuilder.setName(name: "John", surname: "Doe")

Set the token (required)

On your back-end, you must fetch a profile token from Amani API and send it to your application and give the profile token to the SDK via the setToken(token: "customer_token from amani api").

amaniVideoBuilder.setToken(token: "customer_token")

Set the RTC configuration (required)

Parameters used in here is supplied by Amani to it's customers.

stunServerURL: "stun:example.stun.server:3478",
turnServerURL: "turn:example.turn.server:3478",
turnUsername: "turn_user", turnPassword: "turn_password")

Set the Delegate (required)

The delegate has methods for stuff like UI Events (such as user pressing the button) and connection states and a place for handling errors can be occured in runtime such as connection errors.

extension VideoViewController: AmaniVideoDelegate {

// NOTE: This function is only called when the camera
// position that is currently used is on the back camera.
func didChange(torchState: Bool) {
print("torch is on \(torchState)")

func didChange(cameraPosition: AmaniVideo.CameraPosition) {
// Show an alert when the agent wants to switch the camera
let alert = UIAlertController(title: "Switch Camera?", message: "Agent wanted to switch camera", preferredStyle: .actionSheet)
alert.addAction(UIAlertAction(title: "Yes", style: .default, handler: {_ in
// This method is for switching the camera. More on the documentation.
alert.addAction(UIAlertAction(title: "no", style: .default, handler: nil))
self.present(alert, animated: true)

func connectionStateDidChange(newState: AmaniVideo.ConnectionState) {
// You can actually show another view on top of the video view for informing
// the customer about the call is disconnected. But for the sake of simplycity
// of documentation we just keep it short as it removes the videoView.
if newState == .disconnected {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
// If you want to show a loader while the call is connecting, you can
// take a look at the AmaniVideo.ConnectionState enum for the other states.

func onError(error: String) {
// You can handle the errors in here.
// Since this delegate method is called on the critical issues affecting the call
// You can remove the view directly.
DispatchQueue.main.async {

func onUIEvent(event: AmaniVideo.UIEvent)
// Whenever a button is pressed this delegate methods triggers
// You can keep a record of the button presses if you want.

func onRemoteEvent(event: AmaniVideo.RemoteEvent) {
// This function is called when the agent presses
// sends an event.

To add the delegate call the setDelegate

amaniVideoBuilder.setDelegate(delegate: self)

Get AmaniVideo class from the AmaniVideoBuilder

Now you've completed the setup with required parameters. From the point you can either customize stuff like setting the button colors, change the icons and change the remote video view to show up in either landscape or in portrait mode.

If you don't want to customize you can get the AmaniVideo by calling the method below.

Note Build() method should always be called last as it returns an instance of AmaniVideo class unlike the other methods returns an AmaniVideoBuilder instance.

do {
self.amaniVideo = amaniVideoBuilder.Build()
} catch {

Start a call with agent

To start the call just call AmaniVideo.start(on: UIView) or AmaniVideo.start(on: UIView, status:CallStatus) method. For status default value is .waiting, if you recieve escalated event on remote event you need to set status as .escalated . This call will return a referance to the

AmaniVideoView that shows the call.

  // on your button press action
self.videoView = self.amaniVideo.start(on: self.view) // if you dont give status parameter default value is .waiting
  // on remote event triggered escalated
self.videoView = self.amaniVideo.start(on: self.view, status:.escalated) //you need to start again with status .escalated

Optional customizations

After you've successfully supplied the neccesary information for the SDK, you can customize some aspetcs of the SDK.

Note Build() method should always be called last as it returns an instance of AmaniVideo class unlike the other methods returns an AmaniVideoBuilder instance.

Customizing the button icons

You can give a dictionary of [AmaniVideo.ButtonIcons: UIImage] to setButtonIcons change the icons on the SDK. These steps are optional as we have icons in the SDK.

.switchCamera: UIImage(named: "switch_camera_icon")!,
.endCall: UIImage(named: "end_call_icon")!,
.microphone: UIImage(named: "microhpone")!,
.microphoneOff: UIImage(named: "microphone_off")!,
.camera: UIImage(named: "camera")!,
.cameraOff: UIImage(named: "camera_off")!

Customizing the button and icon colors

You can give a dictionary of [AmaniVideo.ButtonColors: UIColor] to setButtonColors function to change the button and icon colors.

.switchCameraButton: .white,
.switchCameraButtonBackground: .black,
.closeCameraButton: .white,
.closeCameraButtonBackground: .black,
.muteButton: .white,
.muteButtonBackground: .black,
.endCallButton: .white,
.endCallButtonBackground: .red,

Setting the portrait or landscape mode for remote video

To make the remote view show up in landscape mode you must set a view mode with setRemoteViewMode.

amaniVideoBuilder.setRemoteViewMode(viewMode: .landscape) // or .portrait for defaut

Setting the background view color

The set background color determines the color behind the local video preview as well as the background color when the remote view is in landscape mode. To set this color you can use setBackgroundViewColor method.

amaniVideoBuilder.setBackgroundViewColor(color: .black) // color is UIColor

Please don't forget calling AmaniVideoBuilder.Build() after the customization.