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Import startAmaniSDKWithToken from our package as shown below.

import { startAmaniSDKWithToken } from "react-native-amani-ui";

startAmaniSDKWithToken method takes two parameters, first one is the data;

export interface StartAmaniSDKWithTokenParams {
server: string;
id: string;
token: string;
geoLocation?: boolean;
lang?: string;
sharedSecret?: string;
idVideoRecord?: boolean; // Enable video recording on idCapture, default is false
idHologram?: boolean; // Enable hologram detection. New Turkish ID only.
poseEstimationVideoRecord?: boolean; // Enable video recording on pose estimation
apiVersion?: "v1" | "v2";
// nvi data
birthDate?: string;
expireDate?: string;
documentNo?: string;
// additional customer information
email?: string;
phone?: string;
name?: string;

and the second part is callback that returning from our native sdk.

export interface SDKActivityResult extends Record<string, any> {
isVerificationCompleted?: boolean;
isTokenExpired?: boolean;
apiExceptionCode?: number;

It's extended with record for the future updates.


In the example useCallback used for reallocating the function for every render. It memoizes the function so only changes when idNumber and customerToken params changes.

import { useCallback, useState } from "react";
import { startAmaniSDKWithToken } from "react-native-amani-ui";

const onStartButtonPressed = useCallback(() => {
server: "https://server.example",
id: idNumber,
token: customerToken,
lang: "tr",
apiVersion: "v1",
(data) => {
if (data.apiExceptionCode) {
// Due to differences in the native SDKs this field always null for iOS
if (data.isTokenExpired) {
// CUSTOMER_TOKEN is expired
if (data.isVerificationCompleted) {
// User passed all KYC steps, if user used a back button or cancels the progess it will be false.
}, [idNumber, customerToken]);

Later in that code...

<Pressable onPress={onStartButtonPressed} style={styles.startButton}>
<Text>Start KYC</Text>

Acquire profile token

If you dont know hot to get profile token you need to read acquire profile token documentation.